• 4 Posts
Joined 29 days ago
Cake day: February 13th, 2025


  • Finding friends becomes harder the older you get, so you still have time and youth on your side. However, do not write off on the ability of going out more, this is still a thing you have to do, to get anyone at all. You can make online friends for sure, but they’re still people on lists, behind screens and hundreds to thousands of miles away from you. You won’t get to them unless you build healthy savings and arrange things.

    Your key is hobbies, what do you do? What do you like? There’s a community out there for everything. Finding friends is a lot of wheeling and dealing, don’t be too hard on yourself for not finding too much to be compatible with someone over. You never know if you’re dodging a bullet because the worst thing than just being or feeling alone, is wasting time on the wrong people.

  • You know what? Yes we are in this mess - BECAUSE of you. You didn’t call on Trump for him admitting that he allowed the election to be rigged in his favor. You didn’t hold up the election for it to be truly verified. You just allowed Harris to verify it because you wanted to try and make yourselves look good that you didn’t cause an insurrection for brownie points. You didn’t work hard enough to change the course of your campaign with Harris because you decided to centralize it on a narcissistic whore like Trump.

    Aside from 71+ million uneducated fucking morons that call themselves American, you have a part of fault in this. The “at least we’re not Trump” play didn’t work in 2016, what made you think it’d fucking work in 2024? You didn’t build off of any of the momentum from Biden and you didn’t dare try to say or do things differently than what Biden did.

    While it is not entirely your fault, it is partially your fault too. You better fucking have something better by 2026 or this country mind as well be called the United States of Amerinazis if it isn’t already classified that.

  • I tend to buy groceries at least twice a month, sometimes it is more than that because of impulse. Otherwise, I operate on a 35 ~ 65 budget.

    I consider my monster javas, rice, pasta, coffee/creamer, oatmeal, almond milk, water, bagels/waffles with cream cheese and things to mix the pasta and rice with as essentials. They’re always staples in all shopping trips.

    My shopping lasts no more than 10 ~ 15 minutes, maybe less, because I always know what I’m after. I hate having to hop around stores to find things one other store doesn’t have because while I could find cheaper alternatives, I am sometimes met with more pricier options which may force me to go without one of my essentials for a while.

    My goal with grocery shopping is to extend rations as much as possible while moderating how much I eat. I do shop for processed foods like frozen and canned stuff, but I find that it actually helps my rations. I don’t particularly pick up things like loaves of bread or produce because from my experience in the past, I always feel like I have to eat them sooner or they’ll spoil and I don’t really like having to feel like I got to wolf down something as soon as I buy it.

    Longevity is key to me.

  • A great dad is the figure that should serve as a role model, basically a symbol of everything a man should be about. Not a player, not an abuser, not a user. Someone who is there for their kids as much as the mother is.

    They should be the straightener, the one that sees your flaws, pulls you over and breaks down why it is that what you’re doing or about to do is wrong.

    A father should be a buddy, a good friend. Someone firm but fair.

  • Wealth Inequality on it’s own, is a problem almost nobody but the middle, lower-middle and the poor will address. It has to start here. Nobody should amass the amount of money we see individuals possess. If someone understands how far a single million could stretch for someone (provided they’re responsible that is), they would understand how pointless it’d be for someone to have even 10 million or 100 million or even a single billion.

    And if anyone gave two shits about the seven deadly sins, the idea of accumulating more money should be a more frowned-upon thing. But instead, gaining more money equals to you being more powerful than most. That’s not how things should ever be. There should be a cap of how much money you should realistically earn up to. We’ve already seen the damage and continuing to see the damage afflicted, by incredibly rich people. They’re too dangerous to be wielding that much.

  • The passing of cyberbullying laws only helped, but not really to the effect lawmakers probably had hoped it would. The real story of the matter is how utterly out of tune tons of politicians are to everything that happens in the internet, aside from wanting to take it over for the sake of capitalism and surveillance. All the while letting Big Tech do whatever it wants because they’re the ones who understand the internet far better than a politician could.

    And even that not factoring into it, a lot of moderators and admins have trouble finding the middle ground. They are either too lenient or too strict, almost no in-between. Being a moderator is basically a virtual janitor that does not pay anything and being an admin is where you could be paying for something but getting no return. There’s no room in either position for them to properly evaluate things.