Reddit refugee

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I tried it when the first one I tried didn’t work out.

    Ctrl+C hard locked it instantly every time I pushed it. I could right-click and choose “Copy”, but pushing Ctrl-C just froze whatever image was on screen. No response at all after that. Plus it was giving me a headache trying to get Nvidia drivers installed.

    So then I moved to Pop since the correct driver was baked in, and it’s been mostly smooth since.

  • I have never owned a laptop. I was given an old Chromebook to tinker with, but it’s so old and incredibly slow that it’s just not easy to deal with.

    I was handed a laptop that has some issues including a "sometimes works, sometimes doesn’t"keyboard and mostly fried GPU to the point where there are tons of tiny pink artifacts all over the screen. It technically still works, but hurts to look at. I was told it was mine, but other than some prodding to see what the issue was, (pretty sure there’s a bunch of dust caked in the GPU fan) I haven’t used it. So I guess I do actually own one, but I’ve only touched one a very few times ever.

    I finished high school before dial up was completely out of style, and have only been exposed to “broadband” since college. (All 768Kbit of it)

    I went to an in town college and mostly did my work on the gaming rig I built as my first computer, using their lab to print papers.

    Laptops were sort of common, but still somewhat luxury at the time. Kinda like iPhones were at first. Lots of people already had a phone, but the “fancy” one was the status symbol even more than it is now.

    Since then I’ve been rebuilding desktops ever since. I’ve had I think about 4 different cases now, each being upgraded with different parts a few times before moving on to the next as it fell apart. Some of my old machine parts are still in my parents’ computer now. At least I think it is. That machine has changed a few times too and I haven’t kept track because who cares.

    So I’m right in the sweet spot of when phones became capable of laptop-like stuff, just as always having a computer available became more and more necessary. So since most people do most of their laptop stuff during school, and I never had a job that handed out company computers, I’ve just never really needed one.

    I kinda wanna get one at some point, if for no other reason than to see the day to day of owning one and taking it places. But it’s just a curiosity at the moment.

    I’m totally anti Windows now (recently as of building my most recent rig a few months ago), so I would have to pay attention to which one I get because I know there can be compatibility issues with them. I know there’s stuff like the Tuxedo brand which are all Linux all the time machines, but I don’t want to limit my choices, so research would be necessary for all that.

    I just moved my parents off Windows (their machine was really struggling as it was assembled when Win was new) because I knew they wouldn’t be paying for extended security patches.

    I type too much and I’m already past answering this lmao

  • I wanna see a massive dump of them. All of them. If you gonna smoke smoke weed. Fuck tobacco and anyone who thinks it’s cool. They have the freedom to choose for sure, but anyone that chooses that is 100% idiot until proven otherwise.

    No ifs, ands, or buts. If you like it, you are part of the problem.

    Quitters finally saw the light. People who start smoking in the 2020s are just outright stupid. It’s not all over TV anymore, it’s not the cool teenage rebellion thing. It’s not even hidden knowledge about how bad it is to start, and how hard quitting is. Wtf is making people start now?

  • I had this same question come up recently.

    A friend of mine was out of town in a store that has a lot of entire series on BD or DVD (as well as movies of course), and he knew I was constantly referencing Star Trek, and he asked where he should start.

    I didn’t have much time to think since he was already in the store and had limited time. All things considered, I went with TNG as the perfect spot to start.

    He’s someone I used to work with a few years ago, and we play games together a lot. Knowing him (and just younger people in general), TOS would be so hard to watch with how dated it is. If not just the sexist and racist parts, then even for me it’s hard to look at given how LCARS showed up and instantly made all the technology look immediately centuries behind.

    But ever since then, it’s looked mostly the same. At least until SNW and Disco. So I told him as much as I felt I could without boring him about where it’s set in relation to the original show. 6 movies and 3 and a half series in, if I counted correctly.

    But if he ends up being interested, I’ll have him go through the other 2 golden era shows before going back for TOS.

    Except I will have him watch the Tribble episode before he watches the DS9 episode about it.

    He already had a small knowledge of it, the basic identity of who Kirk and Spock were, and the idea that it is a multi-show and many movie kinda franchise (I guess like a STU, which is MCU but for ST)

  • I mean you can just say NFL in general. Ruins a good chunk of the year hearing about it during work discussions.

    No, I will never care about a sport, and especially not overpaid assholes who play it for more money in a couple minutes than I will ever make in years, or more in one game than I will ever see in one place ever.

    If I had a genie I would change culture so sports got moved to the same category as politics and religion so you’d never hear about it if you weren’t around scumbags.