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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I wasn’t sure about the state of Slowroll. In terms of stability, Tumbleweed ist absolutely fine. It’s the less frequent, but not super low frequent update cycle that’s interesting to me. I could always just ignore updates on TW, but I’ve got the urge to run the updates if there are any.

  • I am using it as both. I try to adapt Zettelkasten with todos, inbox and a personal knowledgebase, but also try to manage my Meeting notes, Project information etc. I loved the idea of Obsidian, but wanted to use FOSS stuff, but damn, Obsidian is great and I always feel a little annoyed by Foam+VS Code because it constantly fucks up my tabs layout, closes the graph and, coming from Notion too, is not as fluent.

    @SurpriseCandid8978@lemmy.ca mentioned Anytype and I tried it this morning, but I cannot wrap my head around how to properly implement Zettelkasten and something like a folder structure so I think I’ll drop it, even though I was really interestet.

    A coworker gave me a tour of Obisian just now and the features it has make it hard to avoid.

  • tbh: she probably clicks on the thing that says “INTERNET” and thats it. I’ve been setting up a few computers in my family for people 50+ and they mostly don’t even know the name of the program they use and mix it all up. I then just install a program and prefix the shortcut with the service. Like “MAIL Outlook”, “INTERNET Firefox” so they know where to go.

  • I’ve been scripting pre update snapshot, update, restart, post update snapshot. Whenever I start my PC and there’s a update notification, I just run my script, have a look at Lemmy or get a coffee or have a piss, and then go on with whatever I was going to do. Or skip update for a day if I don’t wanna invest the time.

    The only reason for a rollback was a fuck up on my side. Nvidia drivers from the official zypper repo is always up to date and has not failed me for as long as I had a Nvidia GPU

    It’s really easy and comfortable to use.

  • Der Fall um Dillinger zeigt, wie gut die RKK geworden ist, mit solchen Themen umzugehen. “Hallo 'Aufarbeitungskommission, ich habe Kinderpornos bei einem eurer Priester gefunden. Was soll ich damit machen?” “Verbrenn sie am besten, lol”.

    Die RKK macht nie mehr als eben notwendig und hat in den letzten 15 Jahren mehr als einmal gezeigt, dass ihr nicht die Opfer, sondern ihr Image dabei am meisten Leid tun. Die Studien (auch die unter verschluss gehaltenen) sind das Ergebnis von Druck aus der Öffentlichkeit und beinhalten idR kaum mehr als das, was eh schon bekannt war. Die ganze Riege an alten Möchtegernfürsten wie Marx, Schwaderlapp und Woelki und deren Handlanger in der Riege darunter sind nach wie vor da und verhindern massiv echte unabhängige Aufklärung. Und deshalb wird auch an so ziemlich allen veröffentlichten Gutachten Aktenvernichtung und Zensur kritisiert.

    Es ist zum schämen, dass Leute diesen Laden immernoch verteidigen.