Been dreaming about building a (light) custom adventure bike. Rugged, capable and can get me most places. But also de-teched for reliability and field repairability. Steel or high quality aluminium, 2x drivetrain possibly friction, up to 2.5" (or 3") of rubber. 27.5/29 not settled on but why not both. Front and rear racks. And fully rigid. So we come to aesthetics. I really love the look of dual crown forks. Their “make way, coming through” looks. Oh yeahhh baby!

But so far my searches haven’t brought any proper fruit. A lot of DM forks, some shiny ones and tons of Chinese results. Nothing that says “choose me”. Could be that I would need to go deeper into custom. Real custom.

To continue my quest I seek guidance. If you know any source for rigid dual crown forks let me know. Storefront or custom maker doesn’t matter. EU results preferred.

Let me keep dreaming. Also at this point it is dreams, and in the dream there is no budget.