I am now using disroot . I don’t care about anonymity or anything as I just wanna use it to connect to my bank, ID and buy/book shit etc. Which all have my phone number, address, name etc anyway so no point in that . I just want the security privacy to be good enough that no one can easily hack it, steal my OTP, inbox etc and I want it to be big and trusted enough that they won’t sell it/sell it and go Scott free also gmail asks email or phone number for verification and then brick acc if I don’t comply so I’d like to skip those kind of ones . Is disroot enough for my uses ? Also I’d like a free one as I barely use emails like 3 or 4 times a year .

  • nix@midwest.social
    4 months ago

    I use mailbox.org personally. Disroot is probably fine. Do they have 2FA? That would be the most essential thing you want here if you’re worried about being hacked by an outside party. 2FA would even mitigate a password leak in most cases, since they’d only have 1 of the authentication factors.

    If you’re worried about hacking, you can do some things to mitigate the damage that would cause. Download important old emails and delete them from the server, this is pretty easy to do in a desktop client (like thunderbird or outlook) where you’d just move them to a local folder. That way if someone gains access, or they sell to someone that processes the data, they won’t have the old emails (unless they for some reason retained a separate copy, which seems doubtful).

    Sign your email up for https://haveibeenpwned.com/. Then you’ll get notifications if there’s any data leaks, including of your email provider. Obviously this is only useful if nobody has stolen your account before the leak is reported, but that’s more likely than not (unless you’re a particularly valuable target for some reason).