1. Pawns join in class solidarity and rise up against the oppressive monarchy.
  2. One grain of rice in A1
  3. White queen has a mental breakdown and enters an emo phase for the next 6 turns
  4. All previously played moves get played again.
  5. All pawns undergo mitosis. One of them had a mutation and promotes to a knook.
  6. Kings pawn cracks its egg and becomes a queen.
  7. Castle with the enemy rook.
  • Ludrol@szmer.info
    4 months ago

    Where are the pawns? WHERE ARE THE PAWNS!?

    Edit: This needs additional explanation. What was the order of the moves and how did you interpret them.

    “Pawns join in class solidarity and rise up against the oppressive monarchy.” ❌
    “One grain of rice in A1” ✅
    “Kings pawn cracks its egg and becomes a queen.” ❌
    “Castle with the enemy rook.” ✅
    “All previously played moves get played again.” ✅
    “White queen has a mental breakdown and enters an emo phase for the next 6 turns” ❌
    “All pawns undergo mitosis. One of them had a mutation and promotes to a knook.” ❌

    There are two additional queens from nowhere, while no kings are present. That wasn’t in any move.

    This is not reddit. We have standards.