The Bladerunner. It follows the adventures of a young man known as Billy Gimp and his partner in crime, Doc, as they navigate a health-care dystopia. It’s the near future, and eugenics has become a guiding American philosophy. Universal health care has been enacted, but in order to cull the herd of the weak, the “Health Control laws” — enforced by the office of a draconian “Secretary of Health Control” — dictate that anyone who wants medical care must undergo sterilization first. As a result, a system of black-market health care has emerged in which suppliers obtain medical equipment, doctors use it to illegally heal those who don’t want to be sterilized, and there are people who covertly transport the equipment to the doctors. Since that equipment often includes scalpels and other instruments of incision, the transporters are known as “bladerunners.”
And then William S. Burroughs, of all people, takes it and turned into a Joel Schumacher wet dream lol.
Definitely worth reading the article.
Well that was a wild ride. I can say I did not see that coming.
Woah… I wish I could say that it’s a good story to tell at parties but good luck getting anyone to follow this mess for more than a minute…
Nice reading tho
Very interesting article. Thanks for sharing it.
that was a very nice read