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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 1st, 2023


  • To be fair, what do you expect people to talk about?

    5-12 comments covers most topics for a given article/meme. Any more than that, and it starts to just become a repeat of what someone else said.

    Do you want to read 10 copies of “lol that meme is so me!”

    I always thought it was wild that your average thread on Reddit could garner thousands upon thousands of comments, with the vast majority of them being repeats of something someone already said.

    Then factor in that those same comments are in the next thread, and the next one. That’s not engagement, that’s insane!

    The comments here are far more sparse, but they still cover all your bases. You still get the interesting info dump from some expert or hyperfocused individual who’s done a bunch of reading, you still get a humorous pun or joke, and you still get the “well, actually, this is wrong because…” just, now, it’s like 1 of each type instead of a thousand people all trying to crack the same joke in one thread.

    Edit: to clarify, I mean 5-12 top level comments

  • Welcome to the Internet. There’s Western propaganda here, too. We got all kinds.

    Lemmy isn’t Reddit. It’s not owned by one entity. You’re not in a bubble that a corporation is going to keep you safe in. Anybody anywhere can create a Lemmy instance. They may be Chinese, they may be European, they may be Russian, it doesn’t matter. What matters is using your critical thinking to sort the wheat from the chaff. Join and federate with those you think are good and block those you think are bad.

    Practice critical thinking and encourage your friends and family to do the same when they’re looking at information online. There’s free courses out there that can help with that kind of thing if you’re unsure.

    But really, that’s your only defense because every company wants your attention, every government wants you on their side, and everyone is trying to manipulate you with propaganda somehow. Lemmy is no better or worse than Reddit, Facebook, or Twitter in that regard. That’s just the Internet.

  • Upper middle class is a made-up term to make those in the working class who earn the most think they’re not in the same boat as “the poors”. If everything comes crumbling down, they’ll be waiting in the food lines like the rest of us. Millionaires and billionaires will not have the same problems.

    We’ve seen from things like the Panama Papers that the rich are far richer than they’d have you believe. I’m sure they’ll be just fine being taxed a bit more.

    Also, £120 billion of pension money is likely to wind up straight back in the pockets of the same billionaires anyway as they own the major companies that pensioners are going to be buying everything from anyway.

    Spreading doom and gloom that we’ll just all have to suck it up and suffer the consequences of past decisions is a shite position. Don’t repeat past mistakes of letting the rich off with it, eat the rich, enjoy retirement at a reasonable age, spread socialism.