German trans woman (female pronouns) pursuing a cryptography-PhD in the Netherlands.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Higher education is truly a scam.

    It really depends. From what I hear about the US a lot of it is there. But in some ways that is also the exception.

    Compare Germany: By most rankings KIT is one of, if not the top university for computer science in the country. The requirements to get a spot there are literally just that you are qualified to study (aka: have the right high school diploma) and haven’t lost your right to study computer science at a public university by conclusively failing to do so at a different German university. When I was there until 2019 we payed a bit over 100€ per semester in administrative fees and got a limited train ticket in exchange.

    The only selection criteria were “did you pass your exams?” that during the bachelors were almost all written exams that were the same for everyone. What you learned was to an extend up to you, it was a university, not an apprenticeship, so there certainly was a significant focus on theory, but especially during the masters a lot just fully depended on what you wanted.

    The main cost at the time was just general housing and living costs, which in my case was payed for by my mom, but for those for whom this is not an option, provided that they were either German citizens or legal residents for reasons other than the education, there was BAföG, which comes down to an interest-free loan from which you only have to pay back 50%.

    And yes, I definitely learned a lot of useful stuff there.

  • you definitely don’t have the authority to say he’s definitely beyond ANY help. That’s the part I find ridiculous, not the part where you think there’s something wrong with him

    It’s an approach known as perpetrator type theory (or “Tätertypenlehre” in German) that was notably deployed by the Nazis to be able to punish people they didn’t like much harder than others, by allowing them to say for example that someone was inherently and unchangeably a murderer and should thus be executed. The crime was essentially just proof of that, what you got punished for, was what some judge deemed to be the innate criminal personality you had. In particular this allowed to hand out lighter sentences to “Arians” and to decide that Jews for example were inherently bad and could thus be punished much harsher for the same crime.

  • It’s very obvious from your posts that you neither know what the purpose of a punishment in a legal state is, nor what the effects of them are.

    The idea that a multi year sentence is “getting of easy” is insane. And from what you are writing I get very strong vibes that you are one of those people who still subscribe to debunked ideas of perpetrator types, which are unironically Nazi-ideology.

    The world that you want to create is not a safer one, quite the opposite in fact. Rehabilitation is the by far most important aspect of a punishment and the idea that crimes like the one in question are committed by people who carefully weigh how many years they are willing to spend in prison and could thus be deterred is beyond ridiculous.

  • Sorry, das sehe ich hier echt nicht:

    • Verlust oder vollständiger Schwund beider Nebenhoden und/oder Zeugungsunfähigkeit (Impotentia generandi): 0
      • in jüngerem Lebensalter bei noch bestehendem Kinderwunsch: 20
    • Verlust der Gebärmutter und/oder Sterilität: 0
      • in jüngerem Lebensalter bei noch bestehendem Kinderwunsch: 20
    • Unterentwicklung, Verlust oder Ausfall beider Eierstöcke, ohne Kinderwunsch und ohne wesentliche Auswirkung auf den Hormonhaushalt - immer in der Postmenopause: 10
      • im jüngeren Lebensalter bei noch bestehendem Kinderwunsch oder bei unzureichender Ausgleichbarkeit des Hormonausfalls durch Substitution: 20-30

    Sprich: Verlust der Zeugungsfähigkeit begründet für alle nur im „jüngeren“ Alter bei Kinderwunsch einen GdS>0.

    • Verlust des Penis: 50

    • Verlust der Brust (Mastektomie, nur bei Frauen)

      • einseitig: 30
      • beidseitig: 40
    • Vollständige Entfernung der Vulva: 40

    • Senkung der Scheidenwand, Vorfall der Scheide und/oder der Gebärmutter

      • ohne Harninkontinenz oder mit geringer Stressinkontinenz (Grad I): 0-10
      • mit stärkerer Harninkontinenz und/oder stärkeren Senkungsbeschwerden: 20-40
      • mit völliger Harninkontinenz: 50-60
      • bei ungünstiger Versorgungsmöglichkeit: 70 Ulzerationen sind ggf. zusätzlich zu bewerten.
    • Isolierte Senkung der Scheidenhinterwand mit leichten Defäkationsstörungen: 0-10

    • Scheiden-Gebärmutteraplasie, ohne Plastik, nach Vollendung des 14. Lebensjahres (einschließlich Sterilität): 40

    Vor dem Hintergrund, dass Männer halt tatsächlich wenig andere Sexualorgane haben, und der Totalverlust von Vulva und Scheide hier nicht gelistet ist, wirkt dass auf mich jetzt nicht absurd.

    Im übrigen wird in dieser Tabelle so viel mit medizinischen Fachbegriffen um sich geworfen, dass ich da auch ganz generell zur Zurückhaltung mit solchen Beurteilungen neigen und raten würde, weil da halt dann doch offensichtlich Menschen mit einem gewissen Maß an Ahnung beteiligt waren und ich vorsichtig wäre da ohne eine solche Pauschalurteile zu fällen.

  • Trace the execs

    Importantly you need to trace the execs who copied it, not the ones who decided to try it the first time. Giving things a try and not immediately throwing it away when it isn’t perfect is a good thing and behavior that needs to be encouraged. The problem is when others start copying it blindly because it is new before it could demonstrate benefits. It’s the people jumping on hype that are the problem, not the people giving new things a try, even if they may fail.

  • I’m positively surprised that the article acknowledges the nuance of question of whether unknowing victims should be informed, instead of just jumping on the “tell them all, no matter if it hurts them more than the crime did”.

    Anyone who claims that there is a simple answer that is always best is acting out of ideology, rather than an interest in improving people’s lives…

    The one thing that might help somewhat, at huge logistic cost, would be to ask everyone what their preference in a situation like that is, ideally with the possibility to have different answers for different crimes. Like, combine it with a question on being an organ-donor and a couple of similar things. Since it goes to everyone, people who don’t know and don’t want to know can stay in blissful ignorance, because the question doesn’t arise suspicions, as it would be if only they got asked. You could still get bad results, but in that case they would at least be the results the people in question choose. Though even this approach can’t easily deal with the cases of minors being involved…

    All that said, there is another component to the case, that might be the biggest problem with it: The perpetrator getting of easy because it was assumed that the victims didn’t know and the implication of a much harder punishment had they been known to have known: Whether the victims knew, didn’t change the crime that was committed, only the outcome. And punishing the outcome rather than the action is an extremely bad way to enact justice. (Yes, attempted murder should be punished like murder!)

  • Wenn eine Person aber in eine Notwehrlage gerät und nur Tierabwehrspray und kein milderes Mittel zur Verfügung hat darf diese Person das Tierabwehrspray auch legal zur Selbstverteidigung gegen Menschen einsetzen.

    Das gilt im Übrigen sogar in viel weiterem Umfang. Wenn ich mich nicht völlig falsch erinnere gab es sogar mal ein BGH-Urteil, dass der Einsatz einer illegalen (Feuer?-) Waffe in einer Notwehrsituation nicht nur nicht strafbar ist, sondern du danach noch nicht einmal wegen illegalen Waffenbesitzes bestraft werden darfst, weil das ja nur durch die legale Notwehrhandlung ans Licht kam und du wenn du die Waffe aus Angst vor Konsequenzen für den illegalen Besitz nicht benutzen könntest ja in deiner legalen Notwehrfähigkeit herabgesetzt wärst. Oder so ähnlich, IANAL.

  • Also in dem Moment in dem er sie festhält ist es halt kein catcalling mehr sondern ein körperlicher Angriff und sollte ERHEBLICH härter bestraft werden. Von 100€ + 180€ auf Bewährung lässt sich doch niemand der sowas macht abschrecken.

    Ob man jetzt Catcalling das auch wirklich nur solches ist unter Strafe stellen muss kann man so oder so sehen. Aber an der Stelle ist es halt nicht okay, dass das nur als catcalling eingestuft wurde.

    Aber gut, wir haben hier in NL auch einfach ein komplett verkrüppeltes Notwehrrecht. Mit der Deutschen Variante von wegen „Das Recht braucht dem Unrecht nicht zu weichen“, die im Grunde auf eine sehr harte Version von „Stand your ground“ hinaus läuft ginge da ERHEBLICH mehr.

  • I’m not advocating against a seatbelt, I’m advocating against not wearing it, “because I am confident that I can hold on to something in case of a collision” or similar stupid reasons. Expecting that blocking does anything to hide public posts that you can simply open in another browser (or in the same browser in private browsing mode) is not a seatbelt, it is the equivalent of a slightly stronger handle on top of the car window that is being advertized as a feature to protect you in case of an accident.

    This change first and foremost makes it clear that that handle does nothing meaningful and that you should wear an actual seatbelt (follower-only posts, ideally with restricted followers) instead, if you are worried about a collision. Twitter is a public forum. You can’t tell people to leave you alone, shout with a megaphone across the marketplace and then be annoyed when they hear you. If you don’t want them to hear you, don’t use a megaphone.