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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • I think tank in most MMOs is a low-desire role. It typically hinges entirely on having a healer to keep you tanking, as well as holding an immense responsibility to be aware of aggro patterns and incoming debuffs. You eat a lot of blame for not tanking well, even if it’s just because your healers mispositioned or some DPS decided to steal aggro by spamming too much of X move.

    And generally, you don’t feel as much of the “I did a thing!” feeling as, say, a rogue pumping out damage or a mage casting a slew of debuffs and DoTs.

  • Been called a ch*nk multiple times by random people in public, been told as a child that I should be performing better in school because of the “type of person” that I am, been called a dog-eater by peers, asked “what’s your real name” (even though my government name is an English one), etc.

    One time someone called me a ch*nk, I explained that despite them being shitty for thinking that’s okay, that I’m not even Chinese, so they must be extra braindead. I also said that it must be disappointing to know less of the English language than a non-white person, and that if a white person like them can’t learn proper English, then they’re failing their own expectations of what it means to be American. I suppose hearing me say that in perfect American English was enough for them to realize how dumb they were being. Everyone in the room glared at them and they shut the fuck up and left lmao.