The speed of things these days is dizzying. One day you own the libs, less than 12 hours later bubba owns your booty
The speed of things these days is dizzying. One day you own the libs, less than 12 hours later bubba owns your booty
If the king don’t like it…
(points to places that do not experience significant deficits in daylight hours due to Earth’s tilt)
“See! These places even do it, so no one else should either! (Also because I personally don’t like it)”
Still wrong, regardless of the “reasons”
Considering that I ended up getting banished from my personal bubble, I’m betying that I would have ended up on the outside of that wall anyway, so yeah!
This article seems to be based around an assumption that the entire story of what is going on in Ukraine is obvious on its face. What is obvious is that the level of smoke and mirrors employed in this situation is on a generational scale. There are adults who were not alive to witness the last time we witnessed this level of obfuscation, control of the narrative, and use of the age old tactic of distraction
Besides all of that, this article seems to pick and choose its obvious points and disregard many others
All of that is to say that this is part of the overall effort, a position which is further supported by the fact that this article is printed by the esteemed simplicius. You know, that renowned author of insightful commentary that we all know so well
Brotha, I recommend getting out of your bubble before it bursts. It is going to give you one heck of a headache when it does
Government handouts for me, but none for thee!
I mean, there HAS to be at least some semblance of sanity in this administration. That it is represented by the guy who has part of his brain eaten by a worm (?) is the crazy part!
Imagine thinking that a boycott was somehow illegal. How stupid can you be?
“you will be the very last person I throw under the bus! No, really, John! I won’t come at you until I have absolutely no one else to blame for some of the shit I am about to try to pull off. Trust me, buddy!”
Nicholas Cage is ALSO controlling drumpf now? Dude is like one of those Muppets with one person doing the voice, another the mouth, and two other people are working the hands. Makes for an impressive illusion
If it is done by skinheads then it is automatically NOT punk. Just like No Doubt does not make “ska”, but especially, very much, absolutely more so!
Some of them even fathered children while doing so. If those children are not given every possible support available to it then by their government, every monetary, food, social, health, etc, then that government is creating illegitimate children, which speaks to the legitimacy of the government itself
If the United States is the shining example of democracy, then your argument loses some of its steam. Government of the people, and all …
What do you mean? Of COURSE we do!
At first I read “Ukraine”, and I thought ‘yeah, whatever’. Then I read ,“Gaza” and I thought, ‘yeah’.
When commentary itself does not embed its main point within it, it becomes part of the problem it is addressing. The entire point, as far as I can tell, here, is that being careless with words can actually cause others harm. Shifting the narrative to the rewards gained by achievement is where the comment goes astray. It would help me stay focused on the main point of, instead of telling me how praise or for performance is somehow bad, the commentary described the reverse, perhaps helping me to understand a little better, the ways in which the struggle is often overlooked, and the rewards not given in a way that benefits the whole. It is short-sighted to give rewards based on excellence, especially if those rewards are necessary for survival. My abilities will wane over time. Does that make me, then, less deserving of the ability to simply survive? The main point of dehumanizing language still holds, though. It stares us in the face everyday. They are not “HOMELESS people”. They are “people who…(sleep rough, live on the street, have been thrown away by society, etc.)” It is important to remember the humanity, and to start there. We are all born helpless, and die helpless. Everybody, at some point, relies on others. Dismissing those who need help is anti human in its entirety.
Why does fighting voter ID laws seen like an own-goal?
So, if i rip off an AI author, I will only owe royalties to the author the AI ripped off?