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Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • In as much as Lord of the Rings we’re to be adapted about a Hobbit (who looks like a minotaur and hates grass) wearing a magical necklace (which grants him extra speed) on the way to a mythical hot springs guarded by unicorns would be a faithful adaptation.

    You’re assuming that readers of the books are expecting to see their internal movie played out before them. I think most are expecting an adaptation. What they’re getting is an “Inspired by a true story” level of faithfulness to the original work.

    I can only speak for myself, which is to say I’m fine with the changes in timeline, consolidation of enemies, etc. Yet there are fundamental changes to characters, motivations, etc. That drastically change who these people are. That’s where my disappointment lies.

    I see why Brandon Sanderson wants creative control over his adaptations if/when they ever go to screen.

  • Yes?

    I hardly see how my enjoying the entire arch sets unrealistic expectations. As I said, I can accept changes for the medium’s and natural limitations sake. This show has gone beyond that, both in the first and this far in this season.

    It’s a different story with the same names. That’s more my beef, than that things needed to be cut or merged.

    Even the explanation of the One Power in the S2E1, drawing things out of what is already there is a pretty major shift from the books themselves.

  • I’m really struggling to take this show as it is. I’ve read the books multiple times and can accept that things need to change for the screen, but some of the decisions the writers are making here are making are baffling.

    Fundamental changes to the core systems of the world. Major character motivations and events.

    I find myself asking, “What?” More then being sucked into the world. People are having things happen to them at such a breakneck place it’s a little hard to comprehend.

    We’ll see if they can pull it together.

  • I love the Muppets. I wish Disney used them more.

    I wonder if they have any idea how to translate what made the Muppets so special in their time to a modern day. There is a zaniness and levity to them that most struggle with, combines with a grounded cultural commentary. It’s satire, parody, and hopeful comedy mixed together; and it’s super tricky.

    Muppets Mayhem is a good start, but I really wish they’d make human actors less campy at the same time. Jason Segal got this part right.