• Zetta@mander.xyz
    5 months ago

    The product obviously works, do you all think the FDA would let them put a device into a human that only killed the animals and showed no positive results? This device is already in it’s first human subject, the FDA isn’t as lax as you seem to think.

    Maybe you’re right and the first human subject will die though, I guess we will have to wait and see. Hopefully you’re wrong or that sucks for them.

    • Jomega@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      The product obviously works, do you all think the FDA would let them put a device into a human that only killed the animals and showed no positive results?

      Yes. The FDA can be bought just like all other government agencies. We are living in a late stage capitalist hellscape and Elon is one of the richest people on the planet. You need to realize that we don’t live in a just world. Bad things often do happen to good people, and bad people often get away Scot free. Mark my words: the first test subject will die, and Elon will refuse to admit that there is anything wrong with his product and blame the victim.