Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez drew 34,000 people to a rally in Denver and 11,000 in Greeley as part of their “Fighting Oligarchy Tour.”
They advocated progressive policies and condemned billionaire influence in politics, with Sanders urging resistance to “Trumpism” and oligarchy.
Attendees expressed frustration over economic inequality and corporate influence.
Critics, including Republican Reps. Gabe Evans and Lauren Boebert, dismissed their message as extreme and anti-energy.
Sanders and AOC pledged continued efforts to advance progressive change nationwide.
I’ve said it yesterday, and I’ll say it again:
This is nice and all, but talk is (now very) cheap. I’ll believe the USA stands the slightest chance of surviving this coup if it is met with actions.
And there’s only one action you can take: Form a new party!!! Don’t call it Labor or Labour. Don’t call it Green. Don’t call it progressive. Don’t call it socialist or liberal. Just give it a name that people understand and don’t have preexisting bias against. The “Party For The People”, “Ninety-Nine Percent”, or whatever.
Take on BOTH the democrats and GOP, and constantly and endlessly keep dominating the conversation that they are bought by special interest and you are representing the people.
Become popular overnight. Keep hammering home it is not about skin colour, race or country of origin, but about the billionaires that aren’t happy with paying no tax and having billions. Make it about the 99%.
And it won’t be easy, you need 2 Justices on the Supreme Court to Magically drop dead in your first term, and you need have supermajority in both houses for at least 4 years so you can overturn Roe v Wade and most importantly Citizens United. Don’t just overturn but make amendments to the constitution so this can never be up to 7 muppets with life long appointments.
It is the only way you’ll get your country back without excessive violence. The two status quo parties are hollowed out from the inside. And both are infiltrated by foreign interests.
Media/social media are owned and controlled by the oligarchs in the US. Getting a message through that firewall in today’s America is exceedingly challenging, albeit not impossible. They all pander to their special interests rather than report news. The more fringe ones like The Intercept tend to be a bit too fringe, which damages credibility on a wide scale.
It would have to be a new movement with a new media broadcast platform, hosted somewhere secure and hardened. Probably not in the US, with routing contingency to get around the US government attempting to block them. Not new tech, just something that isn’t owned by oligarchs or have a tainted reputation.
Would have to be organic/word of mouth at first. Really hard to get traction that way these days. Again, not impossible. Just challenging.
I know this is a really hard concept. But go out and talk to people in real life. Join a union. Go to the meetings. Talk to people at work. That’s how you spread word.
Your assumption is incorrect in that this is already happening. You need to think bigger.
Nationwide, over 99% of the legislative offices (state and federal) are held be either a Democratic or Republican. Only the two major parties have nationwide ballot access. Only three minor parties have ballot access in more than 10. A third party won’t be viable nationally until we have ranked choice voting everywhere. They won’t even be viable at the state level without it in that state. Not all states have direct ballot initiatives. That will only happen through ballot initiatives or the major party in control of the state adopting it. Only 26 states have ballot initiatives.
Put that effort into ballot initiatives in the states that have them, and into the Democratic primaries nationwide, until we have ranked choice. Then we can have more than two parties.
In that case the USA is well and truly fucked.
If you’re right, and it sounds like you are, all bernie & aoc can do is primary, until the cabal pulls a 2016, and the vicious loop repeats.
My new advice is violence. Pls defuse your nukes first.
Clinton won the 2016 primary on the strength of her popular vote lead, without needing any superdelegates to ratfuck the vote at the convention. Same with Biden in 2020 (and the DNC changed the rules starting in 2018 such that the vote at the convention doesn’t even include superdelegates unless it’s contested and needs a second vote).
The problem is simply one of turnout. Progressive voters just haven’t turned up enough to sustain what Bernie started in 2016. If Bernie and AOC can keep it up, and get more of the Squad and people like Waltz stumping around the country for state and local races, and get progressives to both run and vote in the primaries, we can do it.
It’s do or die. People don’t realize that. I think a lot of people are passively submissive to just letting things die. Everyone is burnt out.
I’d love to see this happen and I hope we can see it through to completion.
Something anyone can do this week to take a step in the correct direction is to go and get a library card. It’ll help one the greatest foundations of democracy, community, and public knowledge in our country, and it’ll help connect you with a source of knowledge and a community with whom you can jointly build a coalition.
Not a bad idea, I can’t make it through a full book but maybe a library card is the perfect length for me.
It could also get you access to Kanopy (films and documentaries), Hoopla (audiobooks), and Libby (ebooks and audiobooks).