I constantly see angry mobs of people decrying “woke”, “critical race theory”, ““grooming””, and whatever other nonsense they made up this week. They march around with guns, constantly appending lib as a prefix to any word they can use to denigrate. They actively plot violence and spew hatred in the open.

You never see the inverse. There is no ConservativesofTiktok getting churches harassed into shutting down for the day or calling in threats. You don’t see cringey boomer memes on the left. And whenever I openly express those feelings, try to create that sentiment; I get shut down. Noone agrees, I’m often shamed and muted. I just don’t understand why that parity exists, it’s extremely isolating to feel so alone in this

  • MrJameGumb@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    It’s because being hateful has become part of the conservative identity. To be accepted as a right wing conservative you have to spew hateful garbage about something pretty much constantly. If you don’t then they think your weak, or start calling you a RINO

  • cygon@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Disclaimer: I wondered the same, since 2014, and this is what I puzzled together for myself, read it with that in mind!

    I believe a lot of it can be traced back to the wealthy and to conservative think tanks / media control by right wing moguls.

    Back in the 1960s and 1970s, conservatives were perceived as well-off business people trying to protect their own wealth (I’ve read that people used to say things like “I’m not rich enough to vote Republican” or children shouting “last one in the house is a dirty Republican”). You can even see old movies dunk on conservatives (i.e. take Stanley Kubrick’s “2010: The Year we Make Contact” (1984), at the beginning, with the satellite dish tower, the protagonist noses off about reactionaries being in control of congress, thus leading the country towards war).

    This is the rather extreme election result from 1964:

    Political map of the US in 1964

    Because liberals mostly were Democratic Party voters, Republicans and their wealthy donors tried to alter public perception of liberals (i.e. make it undesirable for their Republican indoctrinatees to be liberal). This included taking over the media (and Reagan conveniently cancelling the Fairness Doctrine in 1987, which gave political bias in the media some guard rails), then painting liberals as all things undesirable: arrogant, weak, clueless, leeches, etc.

    Having a “hate object” worked so well that they kept capitalizing on it. Much of it was/is just slinging sh*t against the wall and looking what sticks, but think tanks are indeed looking at what sticks, so successful patterns get repeated. Some of these successful patterns I can see are: installing a victim complex in conservatives (feeling their back against the wall, they lash out easier, ensuring anyone talking about conservatives is conditioned to use very soft gloves) and the two-year bogeyman, often trying to capture, redefine and vilify some prior existing concept (thus, when the campaign hits, indoctrinatees can find lots of “proof” online of this thing existing).

    For example, social justice used to be universally agreed on as a good thing, woke used to mean remaining aware of systemic inequalities, now they make conservatives pop an artery. This has been going for a while (the “hate object” over time has been rock music, hippies, metal music, supposed satan worshippers, pen and paper games, paganism+atheism, video games, social justice activists, cancel culture, black lives matter, critical race theory, wokeness, …)

    And I think, yes, your perception is spot on. This is, for example, what I get when I search for “anti-conservative t-shirts” (if it’s too tiny, try it yourself - they’re all anti-liberal):

    Search result on DuckDuckGo for anti-conservative t-shirts, all results showing anti-liberal t-shirts

    TL;DR: conservatives are intentionally made and kept angry. It keeps them unified against a bigger enemy (see Genghis Gambit), drives them to go vote and prevents voters from switching sides even if they do not like some things the conservatives are doing. Add to that Russia amplifying this division like there’s no tomorrow. They’re installing this hate for liberals both in tankies and in far-right bigots (and, as far as I can tell, anti-liberal sentiment is pushed into Russian society, too).

  • Dagwood222@lemm.ee
    5 months ago

    Saw a cartoon years ago. Panel 1 = “How Democrats See The World.” It’s a globe with the USA divided into Red States and Blue States. The rest of the countries are pink/green/orange except for a few black spots with a skull and crossbones marked ‘Terrorists.’

    Panel 2 = “How the GOP Sees the World…” Same globe, except there are only two colors; the Red States and everything else is “Terrorists.”

    • Andromxda 🇺🇦🇵🇸🇹🇼@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      3 months ago

      In Germany, there is a conservative/far-right party that actually sees things that way. The AfD, the self-proclaimed “Alternative for Germany” (literally the spiritual successor to the NSDAP, the party of Adolf Hitler) once posted this picture on Facebook:

      It shows a map of Germany, divided in two parts. The east, where the AfD has many supporters labeled as the Federal Republic of Germany, and the West where the AfD has been losing many elections labeled as an islamic Caliphate. These Nazis actually think that half of Germany is controlled by migrants and islamists. This insane view of the world is so fucked up, I can’t really describe it. Fun fact: An AfD member of the German parliament has been caught accepting large sums of money from RuSSia. Their MPs repeatedly traveled to RuSSia during the invasion of Ukraine, including the illegally annexed Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea. They also think that RuSSian elections are totally legit and Putin the war criminal has been legitimately elected by the RuSSian people. Their MPs also work for the Chinese intelligence service btw: https://lemmy.world/post/15121591

  • FiniteBanjo@lemmy.today
    5 months ago

    This is the broadest stroke I can make of it:

    Conservatives decisions are based on instincts and lower brain functions like fear and hatred.

    Liberals decisions are based on marginal benefit and rational decision making based on a combination of large and small scale unbiased data and historical outcomes.

    There are tons of outliers and vocal minorities that break the rule, but basically a conservative thinks a liberal should face eternal punishment, while a liberal thinks they’re not fit to judge a conservative.

    • Liberals decisions are based on marginal benefit and rational decision making based on a combination of large and small scale unbiased data and historical outcomes.

      [citation needed]

      Liberals have their own idiotic biases and foolishness. Biases and foolishness that have led to the “disappearing” of many LGBTQ+ activists in China, incidentally, which is why so many such groups in China are distancing themselves from their western counterparts.

  • Vendetta9076@sh.itjust.works
    5 months ago

    You and I are on different parts of the internet it seems. As a non American, your guys’ politics frighten and confuse me. The amount of hatred seems pretty damn comparable on both sides. Also neither of your partied are actually very different. Just different flavours of authoritarian.

        • afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          It is too late in the evening in the time zone I am in right now to hear libertarian ideas being taken seriously.

          You know how when you had a long day and someone wants to explain to you whatever conspiracy crap they buy into but you can’t? You just have no energy left to even pretend there is something of value there.

          Go watch V for Vendetta and read some Rothbard if you feel you need to.

  • shani66@ani.social
    5 months ago

    Fetishization of the concept of civility. Liberals have always preferred a negative peace to even incredibly mild disruption, and that’d include hating people who want nothing more than to see the world worse for everyone. Hang out with leftists instead if you want to see people rightfully angry.

  • Snot Flickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    5 months ago

    Not sure “liberals” is the right word, because it kind of encompasses all of the left, of which liberals are more center than left.


    Because it’s at odds with with our moral compass and our knowledge of how human psychology works. We believe in people’s ability to learn, change, adapt, and become a better person. We see it practiced better in Europe than America, at least very often in respect to the criminal justice system, which the American version is abusive, unhelpful, and, well, conservative. On the other hand, the left thinks that even the conservatives that hate us deserve at least a bare opportunity at education and redemption. (Or at least most of the left anyway, tankies notwithstanding, of course.) We have science that supports compassion and conversion works better than abuse and ostracism. It takes a lot of fucking time and effort. A lot more than many would say they’re worth, and I get that, but it doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

    We don’t hate them the same way because we’re not in a brainwashed cult like they are. While a lot of them may be too far gone, not all of them are, and as things spin out of control in the conservative world, increasing numbers of them are starting to question what they’re backing. It’s part of why the crowds protesting for Trump have slowly dwindled to pathetic numbers and have gotten increasingly strange and unhinged. Only the true believers are left, and their numbers are already dwindling in terms of those willing to come out and risk it for Trump.

    Even when understanding the Paradox of Tolerance, you’d be hard pressed to find large numbers of leftists who think the best solution is the same kind of senseless eradication of the enemy that conservatives want. You’d find a large number of them who increasingly want to be armed and prepared if they are attacked by violent conservatives, but far fewer that want to be the one to fire the first shot in such a war.

    Also, as to a counterpoint, I don’t know many leftists who don’t hate cops. Cops are pretty much universally conservative thugs and universally hated by everyone on the left.

  • afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Because we have elderly people in our life that we care about and they weren’t monsters when we were young. Think of how much effort it would take you to objectively look at ideas your grandparents held/hold and what it says about them. I know I can’t do it. I can’t see my grandfather as a person who used to refer to homosexuals with a word I won’t repeat. The man who took me on so many hikes and fishing trips? No way.

    Now extend it. Do you really want to go through your life thinking everyone passed a certain age is a terrible person? So evil becomes misguided.

    The reverse of course isn’t true. No one gives a shit about a 30 year old. They ain’t cute and they are starting to run stuff.

    • ObliviousEnlightenment@lemmy.worldOP
      5 months ago

      You’re letting your heart get in the way of the mind. I got to enjoy knowing my grandparents abused my parents. My maternal side in particular revelled in spewing hate at demographics including myself and abandoning all the values they claimed to hold dear for their pentacostal magat cult. Needless to say I do not have the same issue.

      Regardless. If you really care about defending people’s rights, you need to be able to look people like your grandparents in the eye and say “No, you’re wrong, and should suffer for it”.

      And old people arent cute, not sure where you got that

  • whotookkarl@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Hate requires you to consider them first competent with shared common values that inform their beliefs and actions. Otherwise it’s mostly pity and disgust that they have no values other than authority and loyalty like a criminal enterprise, and usually can’t tell if they are being evil on purpose or by accident/inaction/ignorance.

      • I find it equal parts of entertaining and disturbing that you’re trying to drum up hatred just so you can feel less lonely. Here’s a genuine question, but don’t answer it. Well, don’t answer it to me (or anybody else here). Answer it for yourself.

        Why are you so fucking dead set on hatred?

        The answer to that question is for you and your therapist to work out. (If you don’t have a therapist FUCKING GET ONE STAT!)

  • zerofk@lemm.ee
    5 months ago

    You should really ask the same question - or its inverse - in a conservative forum. If you only ask it here, you’ll get a very skewed answer.

    And to be honest, the question itself and the wording shows your bias as well. Whenever something about US politics is posted on Lemmy, there are always comments about how “they” are hate-filled people, how “they” are projecting, how “they” want to rape children. It’s a different expression of that hatred, but it is the same hatred.

  • Woozythebear@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Liberals hate leftists like conservatives hate liberals.

    Liberals are a hop and a skip away from being conservatives.

  • JoBo@feddit.uk
    5 months ago

    Because there is no mirror image.

    @pjwestin@lemmy.world has given you a good description of fascist methods. They’re not available to the opponents of fascism because they are not fascists.

    Fascism appeals to the worst parts of our nature. It gives permission to those feeling fear, humiliation or shame to lash out in anger and destroy the people that make them feel that way.

    You can’t deploy the same tactics to make those people want to be on your side instead. If you try to shame them, they will just hate harder.

    You should, of course, expose and ridicule the grifters who lead fascist movements and punching fascists is encouraged. But you need to distinguish between authoritarian leaders and the people they seek to lead.

    You should not pander to the billionaire-funded leaderships (take note NYT), but you must not sneer at the people they are trying to lead (take note centrist Dems).

      • orcrist@lemm.ee
        5 months ago

        “So I guess this is where I tell you what I learned - my conclusion, right? Well, my conclusion is: Hate is baggage. Life’s too short to be pissed off all the time. It’s just not worth it.” ― American History X

        “I am not altogether on anybody’s side, because nobody is altogether on my side, if you understand me: nobody cares for the woods as I care for them, not even Elves nowadays.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers

        • To amplify from the other side of the world:

          善為士者,不武;善戰者,不怒;善勝敵者,不與;善用人者,為之下。是謂不爭之德,是謂用人之力,是謂配天古之極。 —老子

          A good scholar is not a warrior; A good fighter is not angry; Those who are good at defeating enemies will not compete with them; Those who make good use of people are inferior. It is called the virtue of not competing, the power of using people, and the extreme of matching heaven and ancient times. —Laozi