• grue@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    From a foreigner’s POV, you guys are obsessed with finding the chosen one to solve all your problems and you cling to that idea quite a bit. Maybe it’s your rigid political system that causes this, maybe it’s the Hollywood effect, or maybe it’s a cultural thing with the news, idk. But it’s jarring to hear you pigeonhole yourselves as if there’s nothing to be done about anything. That reminds me so much of individuals I know who think voting is futile, but at the level of party politics.

    It’s because of the context that we’re down to the wire* in an election in which we’re fighting to even continue to have meaningful elections in the future. Inappropriately bringing up issues that distract from that smells like bad-faith propaganda even when it’s not.

    * By US “campaign for damn near a year” standards, not EU “declare and hold an election within days or weeks” standards