People at Bonn protesting against Nazi cunts singing Ode to Joy

    9 months ago

    Well, I did read their 2023 Party Program, and I’m afraid it’s pretty polished to appear mainstream. I was shocked on how many points appealed to me on first glance, like plebiscites, the prohibition for judges to be affiliated with a political party, universal basic income or transparent financing of political parties.

    You have to actually study it, interpret it with their mindset in mind and compare it to the populist playbook used in countries like Italy, Hungary or Poland to detect the underlying fascism. It’s a shiny piece of deception.

    It might be worth to write a comment on it.

      9 months ago

      That’s the “neat” thing about the party and their voters: They are used to not base things on facts. So they write one thing into their party program and do the other thing or not, just like they want and they promise a third thing in conflict with the first two. E.g. according to their program oft 2023 the reforms they want would help the rich, but all their voters (which are poor on average) believe that their polices would help them.

      Btw some crazy points from their program:

      • Abolish any inheritance tax
      • Set a total max for the amount of money you have to pay taxes for, so if you are rich earn more and don’t pay a cent!
      • They went from “there is no climate change” to “climate change always happened, we have nothing to do with it, CO2 is a essential part of live, we should make more!”
      • Stop all wind energy projects
      • “Landwirtschaft: Mehr Wettbewerb. Weniger Subventionen” Which translates to “More competition and less subsidies for agriculture” and still they manage to claim the farmer protests for them.
      • Kids born in Germany should not have a chance to German citizenship if the parents do not have it. Regardless if they live their whole live here.
      • Ignore EU policies when convenient, reimplement border controls (or in other words, leave the EU)
      • Strive for assimilation of migrants (Yes the use the word “Assimilation”)
      • Only grant asylum to people which can fill job roles where there is a provable gap in demand and local workforce.
      • Do not mention homosexuality in school
      • Do not grant any abortion rights, force any consultant to persuade a pregnant women to keep the child.

      And I could go on. I think its pretty obvious what kind of political party they are, even from their program. Sure they have some good points in there too, but so do other parties which are not far-right and science deniers.