• Lemminary@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    And yet I’m not talking about third party candidates or what the DNC is doing. You’re going there because you think that’s what I’m talking about because it’s low-hanging fruit. You’re literally having an entirely different conversation and strutting around like you won something because I’m telling you to stop being condescending.

    You’re resorting to tone arguments because you know you lost.

    And here is even more condescension. I don’t need this type of shit. You either talk like an adult and have respect or we’re not talking. But go ahead, take another victory lap because you want some easy win for an argument we’re not having that you’ve set up for yourself in a parallel universe. Congrats. You’re such a good debater holy shit.

    • grue@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      There are only three possibilities for what you could be talking about:

      1. Third-party candidates (not viable)
      2. The Democrats picking somebody other than Biden Harris (not likely this late in the game, especially a second time)
      3. Something entirely irrelevant to the election at hand.

      You say you’re taking about #3, which already isn’t great due to the whole “being irrelevant” thing, but what’s worse is that you’re bringing it up as if it’s a rebuttal to the “our only choice” people when the “our only choice” people are clearly talking about #1 or #2!

      • Lemminary@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        Thank you for changing gears, I really appreciate that. Now let me explain myself because you’re still in debate mode.

        Yes, my point is somewhat #3 in that I didn’t present an actionable plan for change, but a meta criticism on the trends I see on the media that get repeated down in the comments. Even the same ridiculous language is borrowed from the news. From a foreigner’s POV, you guys are obsessed with finding the chosen one to solve all your problems and you cling to that idea quite a bit. Maybe it’s your rigid political system that causes this, maybe it’s the Hollywood effect, or maybe it’s a cultural thing with the news, idk. But it’s jarring to hear you pigeonhole yourselves as if there’s nothing to be done about anything. That reminds me so much of individuals I know who think voting is futile, but at the level of party politics.

        So yeah, call it irrelevant for this election if you want, but I hope you mull over it for every election you have in the future. It’s just weird* that this is the attitude that comes from the land of the grassroots movements, the home of those urging you to call your local reps for change, and the origin of the capable Karens forever asking to speak to the manager. It doesn’t seem to register that bigger change can and does happen even after witnessing it live. Only now Kamala is the ultimate and irreplaceable savior because of an agreement among all of you. Fucking hell, what a political attitude. Imagine if falling in line wasn’t the norm and the calls for Biden to step aside had been louder from the start.

        * Thank you Kamala. But maybe it’s not just the Republicans that are a tad bit strange.

        • grue@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          From a foreigner’s POV, you guys are obsessed with finding the chosen one to solve all your problems and you cling to that idea quite a bit. Maybe it’s your rigid political system that causes this, maybe it’s the Hollywood effect, or maybe it’s a cultural thing with the news, idk. But it’s jarring to hear you pigeonhole yourselves as if there’s nothing to be done about anything. That reminds me so much of individuals I know who think voting is futile, but at the level of party politics.

          It’s because of the context that we’re down to the wire* in an election in which we’re fighting to even continue to have meaningful elections in the future. Inappropriately bringing up issues that distract from that smells like bad-faith propaganda even when it’s not.

          * By US “campaign for damn near a year” standards, not EU “declare and hold an election within days or weeks” standards